Thursday 12 November 2009

Finalising the Research and Moving On

12/11/09 - Since the last post on this blog a lot has happened with the team and the project. Moving forwards from the researching stage the team now are finalising toolset ideas and starting on the beginning of the designing stage of the project.
Here is a list of accomplishments which have been gained so far;

- Narrowing Down The Subjects
The team came together after deciding which one their selected subjects will be carried forward and which one will be eliminated. From that meeting each member pitched their subject of choice to the team and explained the reasons for selecting one over the other.

- Designing Our Question
Once the subjects had been narrowed down to 3-4 a general theme became evident. We noted that all of the subjects, in one way or another, related to each other in the sense that they all revolved around environments, exploration and aesthetics. Therefore we decided to form these similarities into a subject which we would then eventually settle on as the project's subject.

However once the subject was settled on we needed to develop the specific question that the project would form around. After we received some feedback from Brian and Phil about our initial ideas for questions, criticisms being that the question should be shorter and more specific, we revised how the question should read as.
The final outcome that we decided to stick with was 'Motivational Structures For Exploration In Games'.

- The Design Document, Pitch And Plan
The design doc, pitch and plan was the first major milestone and required 'hand-in' for the team and as it requires such a huge amount of input about the project each member was given their own section to write. These sections are the explainations of each member's subjects and their researched carried out in said topics. other pieces of work was also created for the design doc, pitch and plan such as the gannt chart, the roles of the members etc.

- Research Into Toolsets
The next step for the team was to begin the process of selecting a toolset that would be used for the project. Selecting a toolset to create the artefact of the project was a major important point that the team needed to approach carefully. Considering the university itself has full access to the UT, Hammer and NWN2 toolsets these toolsets were the first to be placed as possible choices, however the team also decided to research into other open world games that have capable toolset applications. The list consisted of;

Matt Downey - Red Faction: Gurilla

James Hill - TES IV: Oblivion & World Of Warcraft

Mike Cox - Dragon Age: Origins

Mike Lawrence - Far Cry 2

The case studies allowed us to research into the different techniques used in the toolsets to create non-linear/open world games.

- Case Study Of Existing Games and
Experiment/Testing Theories
The team decided that to futher understand the styles of design and the process in which developers go through to produce a game the team should use the games that were chosen for the case studies and add experimentation scenearios to them. Each member was tasked to design an experiment idea that could be implemented into an exploratory game.

The idea was to try and create a sceneario for the player, in which they didn't neccarssarily have to be told what to do, they would create their own goals by exploring the levels. Certain things were taken into account like the effects of subtle hints the player would follow without neccarssarily knowing e.g. straight paths, quest windows and town signs.

- Pitch Presentation
The pitch presentation was the overall finialisation of the research of the project so far. The team had research tirelessly into the subject and understood exactly what effort and work was going to be needed for the task of creating our exploratory game and why the team had chosen this path from the many different options availiable at the beginning of the project.

Unfortunately the decision on which toolset for the project wasn't settled for the presentation. However the time after would be saved for a final vote and discussion about which toolset would be best for this task.

In the following months the team will;

- Decide on a toolset for the project

- Find time to work with said toolset and get familiarized with the layout and settings

- Get started with each individual's line of work Geometry, Scripting (Kismet) etc

Monday 19 October 2009

Narrowing Down The Subjects

19/10/09 - The task that was given to our group, the last time we met, was that by the next lecture (Tuesday 20th) each member was required to have eliminated one of their subject ideas from the original two we were each given at the start of the project. The reason why we are narrowing down our ideas is that we feel it is time for the group to draw towards the end of the researching stage of the project. As the deadline for the Design Document, Pitch and Plan creeps closer, being 02/11/09 and is worth 10%, the group decided it would be wise to begin to settle on a specific subject, this subject would be chosen through the process of elimination. Each member is to carefully weigh each subject and consider points such as how could the subject be effectively integrated into the project and how can the subject be tested in the future, will it be difficult, too easy or even impossible?

1. Interactions with Non-Player Characters - Artificial Intelligence

This subject
was the first of the two that I decided to research into as I felt slightly more interested in the idea of true intelligent interactions with NPCs within games. I began looking into articles and papers that contained tests and existing projects where the games are focused around the AI. It came to my attention that the articles and papers that I found on this subject all have extensive research and knowledge on how to actually create fully working AI that integrates seamlessly with the game play.

2. Using Psychology to Create Deep and Immersive Narratives in Games

This subject did come 2nd on my priority list of the two however it doesn't mean I'm any less interested in the subject. Creating effective immersion in any form of entertainment requires a strong level of understanding from the developer, they have to understand the workings of how to hook people and reel them into another world, and using different psychological techniques to try and make the transition from world to world seem seamless.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Research into the Holodeck

15/10/09 - Star Trek The Next Generation is a SciFi TV series and the second installment of the overall franchise. One of the most renowned aspects of Star Trek is the ability to make futuristic science and technology within the fictional universe seem not so futuristic and that such technologies are within our grasp.
One specific piece of technology within the Star Trek universe that is possibly the most famous is the Holodeck. While searching through my 2 different subjects I came across articles and papers that mentions the Holodeck a few times and thought it would be worth while looking further into.
Not being a Star Trek fan myself, I didn't know what the Holodeck was, however I trusted that finding it in academic papers and articles about Immersion and AI meant that it had some significance.

- It is initially a small room however it can produce holographic images to surround and immerse the user

- Solid objects, props and characters can also be created

- Simulations used for training can be used inside the Holodeck such as scientific, tactical or even covert training

The Holodeck allows the user to become completely surrounded by virtual scenes, environments or even worlds.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

AI Characters and Directors for Interactive Computer Games

07/10/09 - I now have my two subjects which will become the focus points of my research for the next couple of weeks.

1. Interactions with NPCs - AI
2. Using psychology to create deep and immersive narratives in games

The subject on player interactions with NPC AI was the first to jump out at me whist looking into different subjects to research. I find it particularly interesting as I personally enjoy the interaction between Players and Non-Player Characters. The relationship of the player and characters in the game world and how the player acts towards different styles of AI programming.

I began searching for academic papers and reports on this subject and managed to come across a PDF report written by 5 students from the University of Michigan which details their work on creating an environment for investigating the role of advanced AI in interactive, story-based computer games.

An interesting point to make at this time is that both this and the previous report in this blog have mentioned the Holodeck from Star Trek, The Next Generation.
The previous report noting the Holodeck to be a form of entertainment where a person can be fully immersed into, what appears to be, a completely new and real world/environment. Whereas in this PDF report it mentions more of it being a system ran by an AI where a single human player is the focus of the game and is therefore able to adapt itself to the player's wants and needs to create whatever the player feels. I feel it would be wise if I researched further into the Holodeck and learn the details about its history and legacy.

Note -- I've not yet fully read this document, only having read the first page, however I intend to finish the whole report fully by tomorrow night at the latest...

Here is a link to the PDF report

Monday 5 October 2009

Some Quick Reading

05/10/09 - I stumbled across an article written by Steve Woyach at which explains in detail about the effect of immersion and how it has come to be one of the most important aspects about video games.
I found it very interesting from beginning to end as it contains a large amount of facts, opinions, quotes etc.
Its a very good read on a very interesting subject.

Immersion Through Video Games

Friday 2 October 2009

First Entry

02/10/09 - Blog created for my Games Design Level 3 Team Project module