Thursday 15 October 2009

Research into the Holodeck

15/10/09 - Star Trek The Next Generation is a SciFi TV series and the second installment of the overall franchise. One of the most renowned aspects of Star Trek is the ability to make futuristic science and technology within the fictional universe seem not so futuristic and that such technologies are within our grasp.
One specific piece of technology within the Star Trek universe that is possibly the most famous is the Holodeck. While searching through my 2 different subjects I came across articles and papers that mentions the Holodeck a few times and thought it would be worth while looking further into.
Not being a Star Trek fan myself, I didn't know what the Holodeck was, however I trusted that finding it in academic papers and articles about Immersion and AI meant that it had some significance.

- It is initially a small room however it can produce holographic images to surround and immerse the user

- Solid objects, props and characters can also be created

- Simulations used for training can be used inside the Holodeck such as scientific, tactical or even covert training

The Holodeck allows the user to become completely surrounded by virtual scenes, environments or even worlds.

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