Monday 19 October 2009

Narrowing Down The Subjects

19/10/09 - The task that was given to our group, the last time we met, was that by the next lecture (Tuesday 20th) each member was required to have eliminated one of their subject ideas from the original two we were each given at the start of the project. The reason why we are narrowing down our ideas is that we feel it is time for the group to draw towards the end of the researching stage of the project. As the deadline for the Design Document, Pitch and Plan creeps closer, being 02/11/09 and is worth 10%, the group decided it would be wise to begin to settle on a specific subject, this subject would be chosen through the process of elimination. Each member is to carefully weigh each subject and consider points such as how could the subject be effectively integrated into the project and how can the subject be tested in the future, will it be difficult, too easy or even impossible?

1. Interactions with Non-Player Characters - Artificial Intelligence

This subject
was the first of the two that I decided to research into as I felt slightly more interested in the idea of true intelligent interactions with NPCs within games. I began looking into articles and papers that contained tests and existing projects where the games are focused around the AI. It came to my attention that the articles and papers that I found on this subject all have extensive research and knowledge on how to actually create fully working AI that integrates seamlessly with the game play.

2. Using Psychology to Create Deep and Immersive Narratives in Games

This subject did come 2nd on my priority list of the two however it doesn't mean I'm any less interested in the subject. Creating effective immersion in any form of entertainment requires a strong level of understanding from the developer, they have to understand the workings of how to hook people and reel them into another world, and using different psychological techniques to try and make the transition from world to world seem seamless.

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